May 20, 2012

Back to work already!

I can't believe I am already back to work. So many things in my life has changed, including this web lay out for my blog. It took me awhile to figure out how to post this. Anyways, we all knew this day would come and boy, did it come fast. Everything seems to be on fast forward. I feel like my baby is so big already, expecially when I see all these other brand new ones around (I don't know if you noticed, but everyone and their mom is either pregnant or just had a new baby). Although I am glad to be back at work (sort of a nice break), I just wish it wasn't for 12 hours. Why can't I work three 8 hour shifts but still earn the same salary as before?
Being a mom the second time around is so different then the first. Instead of worrying if my baby is eating, pooping, and peeing enough, I now worry about location. Location of my two year old vs. my baby. I can not leave the two of them alone together. If I shower, B man has to shower with me or else he might try and "care" for the baby. Getting them in and out of the car (who comes first) and who is getting or not getting adequate attention are also new worries. I do feel less anxiety this go 'round which has really helped with my postpartum recovery, but I am a lot more tired. These boys do not sleep at the same time. Which is good and bad. Good because I can give individual attention and focus to one of them, bad because it makes it hard to get stuff done and nap myself.

B man on becoming a big brother- At first he was really excited and interested in C lee and that lasted about 4 days. Then it was like he realized C lee was staying and thats when the "abuse" started. He would bite him (nose, fingers, and toes) and push his head really hard against C lee's head. He would pull arms and legs and act like he was going to do something nice and then last minute hit him. It's been hard but they say this is normal behavior. Now, (3 months later) it is better. He will tell me when he starts crying and tell him "its ok baby". If he cries he will say that he needs a booboo or a paci. When other kids come up the C lee to see him (for instance, at the park) he'll come running over and stand right next to him like he is his protector. That kind of stuff melts my heart.

B man as a 2 1/2 year old- He is talking up a storm (oh I can't say "storm" because he is frightened of thunder and lightening), I'll just say he is a talker. Sometimes he says things and I am like "where did he get that?" or "how does he know that?". Now he asks "why" for everthing. At first it was cute, now it gets a little annoying. He also repeats everything I say, so I have to be very careful. He is do amazing in daycare and has really made a 180. His "teacher" says he is such a pleasure. He always says he had fun, asked when he is going back, and does not cry at drop off or pick up. I think since C lee has been born that has been his personal refuge. Whatever it is, I am just glad he likes going and likes his teacher. He just started potty training and has gone both pee and poop in the potty, although its not consistent, there is light at then end of this diaper tunnel. He is so fun to watch/observe because he really is becoming a little man with his own ideas and imagination. He is so funny too. He dances all the time and loves playing instruments and being a "rock star". One time when I was breastfeeding C lee, he grabed his stuffed animal and put him to his breast, then proceeded to make a painful facial expression and say "ouch ouch ouch, oooohhhh, ouch". It must of been right when C lee was born and it was still painful to nurse. hahaha.

Baby C lee- He has the cutest smile (he started smiling at 5 weeks and is so close to laughing). He loves sucking on his hands and arms. He will root so hard that he almosts flips himself out of his swing. For the most part he is a really good baby. He is calm and really only cries when he needs something (now that we got the whole lactose thing figured out, it was bothering me there for bothering him). He does fight sleep though, but once he is down for the night he has gone 6-9 hours straight! I love his little voice when he coos and of course, his feet. God how I love my babies feet. When he was first born he had quite an old man hair line, now the front part is coming in (looks like I buzzed it). Hey, business in the front, party in the back, hahaha.
Mike and I are also smarter and not so regimentd this time. He go out to eat a lot now (without B man, but with C lee) because we know that C lee won't be sleeping through dinner much longer and our "date nights" will come to an end.
All and all I love being a mom. I love my boys so much. I always said "two and through", but now I don't know. I sort of want another one. Mike on the other hand is D-O-N-E done done done. Maybe he will change his mind. Maybe I will change my mind as C lee gets older and Mike and I start getting our lives back. Who knows. Lets just say the vasectomy is on hold....for now.


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