For the last month of my pregnancy I was having contractions (Braxton Hicks) without progress. By my 40 week appointment I was still a tight 3 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced, so I was convinced that I was going to be induced. Sunday Oct. 18th was a beautiful day outside. Nice weather plus football plus a little yard games made for a good day. That night at around 10:30 pm we were watching TV and relaxing in bed. I noticed some cramping that felt like diarrhea cramps (but without the diarrhea). The contractions came and went, but I didn't notice that because the pain of the cramps were constant. By 1:45am I told Mike to call my mom because this just didn't feel right. I went back and forth for 10 min on whether or not to go to the hospital. Finally by 2am I said "lets go!" Contractions were bad and I was panicking. 2:15 am my water broke in the car. I was so worried about ruining the car, but good thing we had plastic and a towel down. By the time we got to the hospital I was in so much pain that I wanted to die. I turned into The Hulk for the epidural and required the nurse and Mike to hold me down so that the doctor could do his thing, the back labor was horrid.
Post epidural was a million times better. I highly recommend them. I progressed quickly and we thought he'd be out by noon. Wrong! I halted at 9 1/2 cm! I was starting to feel pain in my upper abdomen with each contraction which we determined that the epidural did not go that high. I pushed for 4 hours with this pain. Why four hours you ask? Because B wanted to come out sideways. By the time he was getting close to crowning, my epidural was wearing off and my back hurt so bad. With a baby coming out facing the wrong way, you will labor in your back. It felt like my back was going to explode and my kidneys were going to pop out. The anaesthesiologist gave me another dose that was as strong as what they give women who have a c-section. Once I got that I was able to do more productive pushing. Mike was pretty emotion at that point. I think I caught him crying. Once B crowned my contractions stopped, which probably was a good thing because I was able to stretch for a while. A couple more pushes and he was born at 5:53 pm weighing 7 lbs 14 ounces. 17 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing.
When I looked down and saw him for the first time I couldn't believe what I just did. This human being just came out of me. Then I noticed his head. He had a major cone head coming out the side of his head (since he was sideways). I kept thinking, are you going to put him on my chest, give me my baby already. When he was on my chest I started crying because he was so beautiful. He has my eyes and and full head of hair. I got to finally meet the man kicking me all this time. The boy who made me so sick at first and so uncomfortable at the end. All I could think of was how much it was worth it.
Looking back there is no way in hell I could've done this without the support of Mike. He did so good and stayed so calm throughout the whole thing. Even when I was mean to him, he still was so encouraging and helpful. My nurse, Nancy, was also amazing. She really new what my wishes were (covered and informed) and made sure they happened. My mom was also helpful. She encouraged me and helped me get comfortable as best as she could. All three made sure I didn't give up when I was ready to throw in the towel.
My overall experience wasn't what I expected, but then again I didn't know what to expect. I heard from the staff and my mother that this should've been a c-section and that they can't believe a first time mom was able to push out an almost 8lb sideways baby. I am pretty proud of myself, but there was no way I did this alone!
I have a lot of anxiety about being a mom, thats my nature. B will go to The Childerns Hospital for another check at his liver spot and hopefully all that will be put to rest. Now on to the next chapter of my life and I am so glad I have my own little family now.
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