February 22, 2009

Glorious Day!!!

Not only do I feel 100 times better, but I saw the heart beat!!!! I didn't measure the heart rate because it is kind of difficult one handed it you know what I mean ;-)
Our little sesame seed measure 4 whole millimeters. I couldn't resist the urge to scan myself, but I'm glad I did because it makes feeling like crap these last few days not so bad. I believe with this ultrasound and the one previous, I am pushing back my due date to the 17th of October. We'll see what the doctor says though.

I figured out the reason I was so sick... prenatal vitamins! I haven't had to take a Zofran today, but skipped my prenatal vitamins last night and feel a lot better. I will need to find an alternative.


  1. My advice would be to take the prenatals in the middle of a meal.

    Or take a normal centrum vitamin, a separate folica acid supplement, and DHA omega-3 oils (enfamil lipil) it'll raise my boy's IQ :)

    Cousin Bob in NC

  2. I love getting to see this little baby grow day by day...don't feel bad for scanning yourself.
